Editorial / Short ATM news ...

2004 have been distinguished in ATM collection in Spain by the large number of all type still-life, really issued in 2003 but in use during this year in post offices of all the country; "The still-life's year".

ATEEME want to recognise it in funny form with the creation of a new still-life, the Christmas philatelic still-life (Bodegon Navideño de Filatelia) - ATEEME GALLERY, that will be the image appearing in the main page of our web site during the Christmas season as a funny Christmas Card.

These dates are propitious for the thinking and the good wishes and objectives for the new Year. The editors of this web site have marked 3 main objectives for the next months; the update of all the pages composing this Web, either initiated last summer (How to recognise the updated pages ? Very simple, the updated pages have a white background, like this one. The pages still not updated have colour backgrounds); the addition in the page as a introduction of the previous variable value stamps-labels in Spain, not ATMs; and possibly most ambitious, the publication of the results of a study that has been carried out for several months and that will try to establish all the types and varieties of paper that exist in the thermal ATMs of Spain. Part of the results has been published in the last months already, but there will be more surprises: we will learn, for example, how to differentiate the two printings made in the 2001 and 2002 by F.N.M.T. of the model T48 (56) - Tourism-Map of Spain.

But all this will be from January 2005 ...


- New special ATM issue EXFILNA 2005

We receive many messages asking for this possible new ATM special issue in Spain, and we confirm that, indeed, it seems that it will be done commemorating the next National Philatelic Exhibition - EXFILNA 2005 to celebrate in June 2005 in Alicante.

Already it is publicly known the displeasure whereupon many collectors, and also the directive team of ATEEME, we receive the news about this type of ATM issues with reduced printing and use, as well as other rarities and philatelic-commemorative fantasies related to the ATMs.
Opposed to it we always have defended that the ATMs must have left outside these philatelic prostitution, and all the issues can be obtained with facility by any ATM collector world wide thanks to the large printing and their massive and real use in the mail.

In relation to new issue EXFILNA 2005, from ATEEME we will continue insisting the responsibles to avoid a reduced printing and, case it's not possible to avoid it, at least they guarantee a distribution by post offices of all the country, as it was with 11-M issue.
Anyway we really doubt that these opinions will be considered, and possible the issue will be only available in the Exhibition, again with commemorative legend, and perhaps also in the rest of post offices of Alicante. After the successful commercial experience with the last Spain 2004 ATM issue, nobody wants to let pass this new opportunity; Spanish Correos and the Philatelic Service in view of the safe business of the sale to collectors, and the organiser - FESOFI (Federation of Spanish Philatelic Societies) as a great attraction for visitors.

- Changes in our web site http://www.ateeme.net

From its birth in 1998 and consolidation in 1999, our page Web suffered different changes.
The most important change has possibly been made during the months of August and September; The more than 850 pages and 2500 images composing our Web in the 3 present versions, until now distributed in 3 different Internet providers, finally they are unified in a single provider. Small changes have been made in the format and the contents, that still will follow during the next weeks, and all it directed to guarantee the maintenance and the continuity of our work in the future.

As the main editor of the web site I want to express publicly my personal gratefulness to all the members of ATEEME. It's only thanks to his collaboration and contributions that this page can continue after more than 5 years in open format and the only requirement to accede to the information is to share our passion by the ATMs.

Josep J. Jove - Tarragona, September of 2004

- New special ATM issue.

Read in Agora de Filatelia (http://www.agoradefilatelia.net/):

(Automatic translation with Altavista)

Mar Jun 22, 2004 9:38 pm
Apreciados colegas:

Es para mi una satisfacción comunicaros que en octubre circulará en Onda una nueva EFP (Estampilla Franqueo Postal) con motivo de la inauguración del MUSEO DEL AZULEJO
La tirada será de 150.000 ejemplares, de estos 18.000 irán al Servicio Filatélico, para atender a sus abonados y evitar en todo lo posible la especulación, cosa que vemos muy bien. 
Veremos de hacer una marca Primer Día y material acorde al evento, que coincidirá con nuestra XI EXFILNUCOL´2004. 
Próximamente el que suscribe y en nombre de la Asociación que presido, realizará los trámites precisos para la consecución de la segunda EFP concedida en la Historia Postal de ONDA, eso si, previo pago, claro está. 
Espero que os haya gustado esta gran noticia. Más adelante iré informando como será el boceto, etc... 
Un abrazo, 
Rafael Ramírez 
Círculo Filatélico, N.C. IBN AL-ABBÂR 
ONDA (Castellón)

Mar Sep 14, 2004 6:55 pm
Apreciado/a/s amigo/a/s:
Presente es para comunicaros que la EFP de la inauguración del MUSEO DEL AZULEJO de ONDA, que estaba prevista para el mes de octubre, ha quedado ANULADA por su alto coste, 9.135 euros, que es para una tirada de más de 500.000 ejemplares.
En mi primer contacto con el Servicio Filatélico, para una tirada de 150.000 ejemplares, me dieron el presupuesto de 4.500 euros + Iva y más tarde al cambiar de proveedor (FNMT), esta les comunica que no hace tiradas cortas, de ahí que el organismo patrocinador ondense haya rechazado esta nueva oferta. LAMENTABLE.
No obstante, la Asociación que presido realizará su XI EXFILNUCOL´2004 dedicada a la inauguración de ese museo, estando previsto que el domingo día 24 de octubre circule una marca postal conmemorativa y un gomigrafo.
Lo siento, pero al mismo tiempo me alegro, ya que, por experiencia, es mucho el peso que me he quitado de encima.
Un abrazo,


- New award for our website.

The prestigious international philatelic website Stamp2.com, awarded our site with the gold medal, as one of the best philatelic websites of 2003.

In the revision of March 2003, they upgraded the award of our website from Vermeil (December 2002 award) to Gold.

We're very happy for this award and we will display it with pride. Thank you very much!

- Read in Expansion (Spanish economical magazine, september 2003)

En plena trifulca contra el tabaco, los estanqueros tienen su particular enfrentamiento no con el Ministerio de Sanidad sino con Correos. Así, han amenazado con dejar de vender sellos en sus establecimientos. El problema es que los consumidores ya no quieren el tradicional sello para mandar cartas y prefieren un tipo de sello autoadhesivo. Correos se niega a suministrar a los estanqueros las mismas máquinas que tienen en sus oficinas y los estanqueros dicen ahora que “si quieren vender sellos que lo hagan ellos”. La amenaza puede salirles cara: El año pasado distribuyeron más de 220 millones de euros en sellos, el 60% del total.

(Free translation)
Traditionally in Spain also the tobacco shops sell stamps. Tobacconists have their particular confrontation with Correos - Spanish Posts and they have threatened let sell stamps in his shops. The problem is that the consumers no longer want the traditional stamp to send letters and prefer a type of self-adhesive stamp. Correos refuse to provide to the tobacco shops the same franking balances or ATM vending machines that they have in post offices.

Without any doubt, the ATMs are the future in Spain ...

- From 1999 Organització pel Multilingüisme (Organisation for Multilingualism) impels the campaign "Segells plurals" ("Plural Stamps"), with the objective to obtain that the Spanish stamps and other postal effects incorporate regularly the languages of the State different from the Castilian. 
Although from end of 2000 the Comisión de Programación de Sellos y otros signos de franqueo (Commission of Stamps Programming) have opened the possibility to issue bilingual stamps, also it has been stressed that the terms "Correos" and "España" will not be translated in any case.
More information ...

ATM Web - Spain and Latin American Postal Services: http://www.ateeme.net
© J. Jove - M. Sans. ATEEME. Variable value stamps study group

All rights reserved. Last updated:  19.12.04